Bring happiness to the office for all your employees!
A happy employee is a motivated employee. With GetEase for Teams you can not only ease, but motivate your employees by offering them lifestyle services at the office, or at their home! A full suite of high quality lifestyle services available anytime, anywhere.
Trusted by top-tier teams worldwide
on demand service

At the office or at home,
have your team looking & feeling their best!

Busy day? Take a moment to relax with a quick massage between meetings. Time for team-building? Reward your team with a bootcamp session with our experts. Do you want to boost your team’s focus? Have them book a Yoga session with us. Here are some of our services that you and your team can enjoy:
Unlocking Employee Well-Being

Increasea energy, confidence & motivation.

78% of employees in the NL experiences stress. Stress happens, whether it's from working at the office or remotely. GetEase brings lifestyle and wellness to your team, clearing their headspace, reducing their stress, and increasing their happiness, and productivity.
ADP, 2018
Building a Stronger Workforce

Offer the well-being your team wants

11% less rotation in companies that prioritize well-beings. By investing in initiatives that support physical health, mental wellness, work-life balance, and personal development, you not only retain valuable talent but also boost morale and job satisfaction.
Mercer, 2017
Harnessing the Power of Teamwork

Stimulate Team-Building

Feelings of employee isolation reduces productivity up to 21%. By fostering team-building experiences that promote trust, communication, and collaboration, you can create a workplace where employees thrive together. Strengthen your team's bonds and unlock their full potential.
Gallop, 2020
getease for team

Join us: A smooth experience from beginning to end

We create unique packages, specifically designed to the needs of your team. Get in touch now for a quotation or answers to any of the questions you may have.
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